API documentation

riprova.retry(timeout=0, backoff=None, evaluator=None, error_evaluator=None, on_retry=None, **kw)[source]

Decorator function that wraps function, method or coroutine function that would be retried on failure capabilities.

Retry policy can be configured via backoff param.

You can also use a custom evaluator function used to determine when the returned task value is valid or not, retrying the operation accordingly.

You can subscribe to every retry attempt via on_retry param, which accepts a function or a coroutine function.

This function is overloaded: you can pass a function or coroutine function as first argument or an int indicating the timeout param.

This function as decorator.

  • timeout (int) – optional maximum timeout in seconds. Use 0 for no limit. Defaults to 0.
  • backoff (riprova.Backoff) – optional backoff strategy to use. Defaults to riprova.ConstantBackoff.
  • evaluator (function|coroutinefunction) – optional retry result evaluator function used to determine if an operator failed or not. Useful when domain-specific evaluation, such as valid HTTP responses.
  • error_evaluator (function|coroutinefunction) – optional error evaluator function usef to determine if a reased exception is legit or not, and therefore should be handled as a failure or simply forward the raised exception and stop the retry cycle. This is useful in order to ignore custom error exceptions.
  • on_retry (function|coroutinefunction) – optional on retry event subscriber that will be executed before every retry attempt. Useful for reporting and tracing.
  • sleep_fn (function|coroutinefunction) – optional sleep function to be used before retry attempts. Defaults to time.sleep() or asyncio.sleep().
  • *kwargs (mixed) – keyword variadic arguments to pass to Retrier or AsyncRetrier class constructors.

TypeError – if function is not a function or coroutine function.


decorated function or coroutine

function with retry mechanism.

Return type:

function or coroutinefunction


def task(x, y):
    return x * y

task(4, 4)
# => 16

def task(x, y):
    return x * y

task(4, 4)
# => 16

async def task(x, y):
    return x * y

await task(4, 4)
# => 16

def on_retry(err, next_try):
    print('Error exception: {}'.format(err))
    print('Next try in {}ms'.format(next_try))

async def task(x, y):
    return x * y

await task(4, 4)
# => 16
class riprova.Retrier(timeout=0, backoff=None, evaluator=None, error_evaluator=None, on_retry=None, sleep_fn=None)[source]

Bases: object

Implements a simple function retry mechanism with configurable backoff strategy and task timeout limit handler.

Additionally, you can subscribe to retry attempts via on_retry param, which accepts a binary function.

Retrier object also implements a context manager.

  • timeout (int) – maximum optional timeout in milliseconds. Use 0 for no limit. Defaults to 0.
  • backoff (riprova.Backoff) – optional backoff strategy to use. Defaults to riprova.ConstantBackoff.
  • evaluator (function) – optional evaluator function used to determine when an operation should be retried or not. This allow the developer to retry operations that do not raised any exception, for instance. Evaluator function accepts 1 argument: the returned task result. Evaluator function can raise an exception, return an error or simply return True in order to retry the operation. Otherwise the operation will be considered as valid and the retry loop will end.
  • error_evaluator (function) – optional evaluator function used to determine when a task raised exception should be proccesed as legit error and therefore retried or, otherwise, treated as whitelist error, stopping the retry loop and re-raising the exception to the task consumer. This provides high versatility to developers in order to compose any exception, for instance. Evaluator is an unary function that accepts 1 argument: the raised exception object. Evaluator function can raise an exception, return an error or simply return True in order to retry the operation. Otherwise the operation will be considered as valid and the retry loop will end.
  • on_retry (function) – optional function to call on before very retry operation. on_retry function accepts 2 arguments: err, next_try and should return nothing.
  • sleep_fn (function) – optional function used to sleep. Defaults time.sleep().

default error whitelist instance used to evaluate when.


default error blacklist instance used to evaluate when. Blacklist and Whitelist are mutually exclusive.


stores the maximum retries attempts timeout in seconds. Use 0 for no limit. Defaults to 0.


number of retry attempts being executed from last run() method call.


stores the latest generated error. None if not error yet from last run() execution.


stores the function used to sleep. Defaults to time.sleep.


stores current used backoff. Defaults to riprova.ConstantBackoff.


stores the used evaluator function. Defaults to None.


stores the used error evaluator function. Defaults to self.is_whitelisted_error().


stores the retry notifier function. Defaults to None.

Raises:AssertionError – in case of invalid input params.


# Basic usage
retrier = riprova.Retrier(
    timeout=10 * 1000,

def task(x):
    return x * x

result = retrier.run(task, 4)
assert result == 16
assert retrier.attempts == 0
assert retrier.error == None

# Using the retrier
retrier = riprova.Retrier(
    timeout=10 * 1000,

def task(x):
    return x * x

result = retrier.run(task, 4)
assert result == 16
assert retrier.attempts == 0
assert retrier.error == None

# Using the context manager
with riprova.Retrier() as retry:
    retry.run(task, 'foo', bar=1)
blacklist = None

Verifies if the current timeout.

Parameters:start (int) – start UNIX time in milliseconds.
Returns:True if timeout exceeded, otherwise False.
Return type:bool
run(fn, *args, **kw)[source]

Runs the given function in a retry loop until the operation is completed successfully or maximum retries attempts are reached.

  • fn (function) – operation to retry.
  • *args (args) – partial arguments to pass to the function.
  • *kw (kwargs) – partial keyword arguments to pass to the function.

value returned by the original function.

Return type:


whitelist = None
class riprova.Backoff[source]

Bases: object

Backoff representing the minimum implementable interface by backoff strategies.

This class does not provide any logic, it’s simply used for documentation purposes and type polymorphism.

Backoff implementations are intended to be used in a single-thread context.

STOP = -1

Returns the number of seconds to wait before the next try, otherwise returns Backoff.STOP, which indicates the max number of retry operations were reached.

Backoff strategies must implement this method.

Returns:time to wait in seconds before the next try.
Return type:int

Resets the current backoff state data.

Backoff strategies must implement this method.

class riprova.ConstantBackoff(interval=0.1, retries=10)[source]

Bases: riprova.backoff.Backoff

ConstantBackOff is a backoff policy that always returns the same backoff delay.

The constant backoff policy can be configured with a custom retry interval and maximum number of retries.

This is in contrast to an exponential backoff policy, which returns a delay that grows longer as you call next().

ConstantBackoff is expected to run in a single-thread context.

  • interval (int|float) – wait interval before retry in seconds. Use 0 for no wait. Defaults to 0.1 = 100 milliseconds.
  • retries (int) – maximum number of retries attempts. Use 0 for no limit. Defaults to 10.

AssertionError – in case of invalid params.


def task(x):
    return x * x

Returns the number of seconds to wait before the next try, otherwise returns Backoff.STOP, which indicates the max number of retry operations were reached.

Returns:time to wait in seconds before the next try.
Return type:float

Resets the current backoff state data.

class riprova.FibonacciBackoff(retries=10, initial=1, multiplier=1)[source]

Bases: riprova.backoff.Backoff

Implements a backoff policy based on Fibonacci sequence of numbers.

The Fibonacci backoff policy can be configured with a custom initial sequence number value and maximum number of retries.

This policy is similar to exponential backoff policy, which returns a delay that grows longer as you call next().

For more information, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number

FibonacciBackoff is expected to run in a single-thread context.

  • retries (int) – maximum number of retries. Use 0 for no limit. Defaults to 10.
  • initial (int) – initial number for fibonacci series. Detaults to 1.
  • multiper (int) – fibonacci series number time multiplier. Defaults to 1.

AssertionError – in case of invalid params.


def task(x):
    return x * x

Returns the next Fibonacci number in the series, multiplied by the current configured multiplier, typically 100, for time seconds adjust.


Returns the number of seconds to wait before the next try, otherwise returns Backoff.STOP, which indicates the max number of retry operations were reached.

Returns:time to wait in seconds before the next try.
Return type:float

Resets the current backoff state data.

class riprova.ExponentialBackOff(interval=0.5, factor=0.5, max_interval=60, max_elapsed=900, multiplier=1.5)[source]

Bases: riprova.backoff.Backoff

ExponentialBackOff is a backoff implementation that increases the backoff period for each retry attempt using a randomization function that grows exponentially.

next() returned interval is calculated using the following formula:

randomized interval = (
interval * (random value in range [1 - factor, 1 + factor]))

next() will range between the randomization factor percentage below and above the retry interval.

For example, given the following parameters:

  • interval = 0.2
  • factor = 0.5
  • multiplier = 2

the actual backoff period used in the next retry attempt will range between 1 and 3 seconds, multiplied by the exponential, that is, between 2 and 6 seconds.

Note: max_internval caps the interval and not the randomized interval.

If the time elapsed since an ExponentialBackOff instance is created goes past the max_elapsed time, then the method next() starts returning Backoff.STOP.

The elapsed time can be reset by calling reset()`.

Example: Given the following default arguments, for 10 tries the sequence will be, and assuming we go over the max_elapsed on the 10th try:

Request #  RetryInterval (seconds)  Randomized Interval (seconds)
1          0.5                     [0.25,   0.75]
2          0.75                    [0.375,  1.125]
3          1.125                   [0.562,  1.687]
4          1.687                   [0.8435, 2.53]
5          2.53                    [1.265,  3.795]
6          3.795                   [1.897,  5.692]
7          5.692                   [2.846,  8.538]
8          8.538                   [4.269, 12.807]
9          12.807                  [6.403, 19.210]
10         19.210                  Backoff.STOP

For the opposite backoff strategy, see riprova.ConstantBackoff.

ExponentialBackOff is expected to run in a single-thread context.

  • interval (int) – interval time in seconds. Defaults to 500.
  • factor (int|float) – multiplier factor for exponential retries. Defaults to 0.5. It should be between 0 and 1 number range.
  • max_interval (int) – max allowed internval in seconds. Defaults to 60.
  • max_elapsed (int) – max elapsed total allowed time in seconds. Defaults to 15 minutes == 15 * 60 seconds.
  • multiplier (int|float) – exponential multiplier. Defaults to 1.5.

AssertionError – in case of invalid params.


def task(x):
    return x * x

Returns the elapsed time since an ExponentialBackOff instance is created and is reset when reset() is called.


Returns the number of seconds to wait before the next try, otherwise returns Backoff.STOP, which indicates the max number of retry operations were reached.

Returns:time to wait in seconds before the next try.
Return type:int

Reset the interval back to the initial retry interval and restarts the timer.

class riprova.ErrorWhitelist(errors=None)[source]

Bases: object

Stores an error whitelist and provides a simple interface for whitelist update and mutation.

Parameters:errors (set|list|tuple[Exception]) – optional list of error exceptions classes to whitelist.

list of whilelist errors.

WHITELIST = set([<class 'riprova.exceptions.NotRetriableError'>, <type 'exceptions.ReferenceError'>, <type 'exceptions.IndexError'>, <type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'>, <type 'exceptions.ImportError'>, <type 'exceptions.KeyboardInterrupt'>, <type 'exceptions.SystemExit'>])

Adds one or multiple error classes to the current whitelist.

Parameters:*errors (Exception) – variadic error classes to add.

Sets a new error whitelist, replacing the existent one.

Parameters:errors (list|tuple[Exception]) – iterable containing errors to whitelist.

Checks if a given error object is whitelisted or not.

class riprova.ErrorBlacklist(errors=None)[source]

Bases: riprova.errors.ErrorWhitelist

Provides errors blacklist used to determine those exception errors who should be retried.

Implements the opposite behaviour to ErrorWhitelist.

Parameters:errors (set|list|tuple[Exception]) – optional list of error exceptions classes to blacklist.

list of blacklist errors.


Checks if a given error object is not whitelisted.


Add additional custom errors to the global whitelist.

Raises exceptions that are instances of the whitelisted errors won’t be retried and they will be re-raised instead.

Parameters:*errors (Exception) – variadic error classes to whitelist.


riprova.add_whitelist_error(MyCustomError, AnotherError)
exception riprova.RetryError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Retry error raised by this library will be an instance of this class.

Retry originated errors internally raised by riprova will be an instance of RetryError class.

exception riprova.MaxRetriesExceeded[source]

Bases: riprova.exceptions.RetryError

Retry error raised when a maximum of retry attempts is exceeded, reported by the backoff strategy being used.

exception riprova.RetryTimeoutError[source]

Bases: riprova.exceptions.RetryError

” Custom retry timeout error internally used by riprova when a task exceeds the maximum time execution limit.

exception riprova.NotRetriableError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

” Utility error class that can be inherited by developers for those cases where the error should be ignored by riprova retry engine.


optional magic attribute inferred by riprova in order to determine when an error should be retried or not. You can optionally flag any error exception with this magic attribute in order to modify the retry behaviour. Defaults to False.



# Raised exception with the following ignored won't be retried
# by riprova
class MyWhiteListedError(riprova.NotRetriableError):

# You can optionally reverse that behaviour for specific cases
# by defining the `__retry__` magic attribute as `True`
class MyWhiteListedError(riprova.NotRetriableError):
    __retry__ = True