
Generic showcase examples

# flake8: noqa
import riprova

def task():
    """Retry operation if it fails with constant backoff"""

def task():
    """Retry operation if it fails using exponential backoff"""

def task():
    """Raises a TimeoutError if the retry loop exceeds from 10 seconds"""

def on_retry(err, next_try):
    print('Operation error: {}'.format(err))
    print('Next try in: {}ms'.format(next_try))

def task():
    """Subscribe via function callback to every retry attempt"""

def evaluator(response):
    # Force retry operation if not a valid response
    if response.status >= 400:
        raise RuntimeError('invalid response status')
    # Otherwise return False, meaning no retry
    return False

def task():
    """Use a custom evaluator function to determine if the operation failed or not"""

async def task():
    """Asynchronous coroutines are also supported :)"""

Usage as decorator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import riprova

# Store number of function calls for error simulation
calls = 0

# Register retriable operation with custom evaluator
def mul2(x):
    global calls

    if calls < 3:
        calls += 1
        raise RuntimeError('simulated call error')

    return x * 2

# Run task
result = mul2(2)
print('Result: {}'.format(result))

Usage as context manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import riprova

# Store number of function calls for error simulation
calls = 0

# Register retriable operation with custom evaluator
def mul2(x):
    global calls

    if calls < 4:
        calls += 1
        raise RuntimeError('simulated call error')

    return x * 2

# Run task via context manager
with riprova.Retrier() as retry:
    result = retry.run(mul2, 2)
    print('Result 1: {}'.format(result))

# Or alternatively create a shared retrier and reuse it across multiple
# context managers.
retrier = riprova.Retrier()

with retrier as retry:
    calls = 0
    result = retry.run(mul2, 4)
    print('Result 2: {}'.format(result))

with retrier as retry:
    calls = 0
    result = retry.run(mul2, 8)
    print('Result 3: {}'.format(result))

Timeout retry cycle limit

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import riprova

# Store number of function calls for error simulation
calls = 0

# Register retriable operation with custom evaluator
def mul2(x):
    global calls

    if calls < 4:
        calls += 1
        raise RuntimeError('simulated call error')

    return x * 2

# Run task
except riprova.RetryTimeoutError as err:
    print('Timeout error: {}'.format(err))

Retry failed HTTP requests

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pook
import requests
from riprova import retry

# Define HTTP mocks
pook.get('server.com').times(1).reply(200).json({'hello': 'world'})

# Retry evaluator function used to determine if the operated failed or not
def evaluator(response):
    if response.status != 200:
        return Exception('failed request')
    return False

# On retry even subcriptor
def on_retry(err, next_try):
    print('Operation error {}'.format(err))
    print('Next try in {}ms'.format(next_try))

# Register retriable operation
@retry(evaluator=evaluator, on_retry=on_retry)
def fetch(url):
    return requests.get(url)

# Run request

Retry failed HTTP requests using asyncio + aiohttp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# flake8: noqa
Note: only Python 3.5+ compatible.
import pook
import paco
import aiohttp
from riprova import retry

# Define HTTP mocks to simulate failed scenarios
pook.get('server.com').times(1).reply(200).json({'hello': 'world'})

# Retry evaluator function used to determine if the operated failed or not
async def evaluator(status):
    if status != 200:
        return Exception('failed request with status {}'.format(status))
    return False

# On retry even subcriptor
async def on_retry(err, next_try):
    print('Operation error: {}'.format(err))
    print('Next try in {}ms'.format(next_try))

# Register retriable operation with custom evaluator
@retry(evaluator=evaluator, on_retry=on_retry)
async def fetch(url):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(url) as response:
            return response.status

# Run request
status = paco.run(fetch('http://server.com'))
print('Response status:', status)

Whitelisting custom errors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import riprova

# Custom error object
class MyCustomError(Exception):

# Whitelist of errors that should not be retried
whitelist = riprova.ErrorWhitelist([

def error_evaluator(error):
    Used to determine if an error is legit and therefore
    should be retried or not.
    return whitelist.isretry(error)

# In order to define a global whitelist policy that would be used
# across all retry instances, overwrite the whitelist attribute in Retrier:
riprova.Retrier.whitelist = whitelist

# Store number of function calls for error simulation
calls = 0

# Register retriable operation with a custom error evaluator
# You should pass the evaluator per retry instance.
def mul2(x):
    global calls

    if calls < 3:
        calls += 1
        raise RuntimeError('simulated call error')

    if calls == 3:
        calls += 1
        raise ReferenceError('legit error')

    return x * 2

# Run task
except ReferenceError as err:
    print('Whitelisted error: {}'.format(err))
    print('Retry attempts: {}'.format(calls))

Blacklisting custom errors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import riprova

# Custom error object
class MyCustomError(Exception):

# Blacklist of errors that should exclusively be retried
blacklist = riprova.ErrorBlacklist([

def error_evaluator(error):
    Used to determine if an error is legit and therefore
    should be retried or not.
    return blacklist.isretry(error)

# In order to define a global blacklist policy that would be used
# across all retry instances, overwrite the blacklist attribute in Retrier.
# NOTE: blacklist overwrites any whitelist. They are mutually exclusive.
riprova.Retrier.blacklist = blacklist

# Store number of function calls for error simulation
calls = 0

# Register retriable operation with a custom error evaluator
# You should pass the evaluator per retry instance.
def mul2(x):
    global calls

    if calls < 3:
        calls += 1
        raise RuntimeError('simulated call error')

    if calls == 3:
        calls += 1
        raise Exception('non blacklisted error')

    return x * 2

# Run task
except Exception as err:
    print('Blacklisted error: {}'.format(err))
    print('Retry attempts: {}'.format(calls))

Constant backoff strategy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import riprova

# Store number of function calls for error simulation
calls = 0

# Max number of retries attempts
retries = 5

# Register retriable operation with custom evaluator
@riprova.retry(backoff=riprova.ConstantBackoff(interval=.5, retries=retries))
def mul2(x):
    global calls

    if calls < 4:
        calls += 1
        raise RuntimeError('simulated call error')

    return x * 2

# Run task
result = mul2(2)
print('Result: {}'.format(result))

Fibonacci backoff strategy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import riprova

# Store number of function calls for error simulation
calls = 0

# Max number of retries attempts
retries = 5

# Register retriable operation with custom evaluator
def mul2(x):
    global calls

    if calls < 4:
        calls += 1
        raise RuntimeError('simulated call error')

    return x * 2

# Run task
result = mul2(2)
print('Result: {}'.format(result))

Exponential backoff strategy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import riprova

# Store number of function calls for error simulation
calls = 0

# Max number of retries attempts
retries = 5

# Register retriable operation with custom evaluator
@riprova.retry(backoff=riprova.ExponentialBackOff(factor=1, retries=retries))
def mul2(x):
    global calls

    if calls < 4:
        calls += 1
        raise RuntimeError('simulated call error')

    return x * 2

# Run task
result = mul2(2)
print('Result: {}'.format(result))